Supporting Kits and Equipment
Practical work kits (Electronic based units) – Dispatched by our electrical team after first course assessment has been completed. Best ordered at the start of UA56 (and UA33), to allow time for its delivery before completing any assessments.
A range of electronic components (and instruments) are required to support a range of study and assessment work.
Electronics Kit for L3 units UA33-FEP and UA56- EEP only
You can source your own electronic parts, or purchase a kit from us (A list is shown in Moodle and can be ordered later when you are enrolled on your electronic unit)
The kit includes a breadboard, battery holders, wires and all the electronic components needed to complete assessment tasks. Electronic components include a range of resistors, capacitors, inductors and timers. (It does not contain any instruments such a multi-meter or oscilloscope; if required you will nee to order these direct from an electronic parts supplier).
Electronics Kit (UA33&56 only): | £28 (incl. postage and VAT) |
Note: For students who also need to complete UA24 and/or UA71, please email to order a larger custom electronic kit (i.e. do not order the kit above). We only post to your student enrolment address, so please inform immediately if you move home.
Electronic Instruments (order direct from on-line supplier)
A multi-meter and oscilloscope are also needed to complete course measurement exercises. These can bought on-line (e.g. oscilloscope DSO150 – Ebay) this option offers a simple low cost 1-channel oscilloscope and multi-meter and complements our electronic kit. (if coming from China, please order at the start of your unit as it may take 2 months to arrive)
Electrical Installation (order direct from local supplier)
A range of components and materials are required to complete UA29 – Electrical Installation. A list of is provided on Moodle for this unit and can be order from local suppliers such as Screwfix for around £75-£100
Some equipment is required to complete 3 of the automotive units. Details of these can be found on these specific units on Moodle