Level 4 – CAD for Maintenance Engineers

Pearson/Edexcel BTEC Level 4 Engineering – CAD for Maintenance Engineers

Tecol Unit Code: L4E-H32
BTEC Code: F/615/1501
Format: On-line
Award: Level 4 Unit
Accreditation: EDEXCEL
Study + Assessment Time: 60 + 90 Hours

This unit can be studied  as part of a BTEC HNC or HND in Engineering. 

Unit introduction

There is a growing trend, in part due to the popularity of three-dimensional (3D) Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems, for students to generate two-dimensional (2D) drawings from three-dimensional (3D) solid models. 3D models do look impressive and whilst they clearly serve an important function in CAD design, in reality the vast majority of CAD drawings used in the industry are 2D based and, of those, a significant number are schematic drawings utilised by maintenance engineers, which cannot be produced using a 3D system.

The aim of this unit is  to produce 2D CAD drawings (using industry standard CAD software), and to modify and construct electrical and mechanical drawings e.g. distribution systems, fire alarms, steam ranges, electrical and hydraulic circuits. This unit will support the development of your CAD abilities and build upon those skills to introduce the more advanced techniques that are used to create and modify schematic drawings quickly and efficiently. These techniques can be used to construct pre-prepared symbols for use in circuit diagrams, or be used to create unique symbols and symbol libraries.

Alongside the creation of schematic drawings utilising the block, attributes and insert commands, you will also learn how to extract information to populate spreadsheets and databases, tabulating the information directly from the working drawing.

On completion of this unit you should:

1. Create and modify CAD drawings.
2. Construct, insert and export blocks with textual attributes.
3. Produce complex schematic drawings.
4. Transfer information to external sources.

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