TECOL Level-3 Single-Unit Awards
The skills that you develop as an engineer are incredibly valuable and highly sought after. People will turn to you to help solve problems for them. The ability to provide practical solutions to problems is crucial and will give you great confidence when faced with any challenge or obstacle. Engineering Awards are a great place to start improving your technical knowledge and skills, or to add a qualification to your CV.
These 1 unit courses are suitable those who wish to study a specific topic or want to try a shorter level 3 course before committing to a formal BTEC qualification. These 1 unit awards are set to the same standard as BTEC qualifications and can be credited towards BTEC L3 Awards, Certificates or Diplomas in Engineering; thus providing a progressive qualification pathway for your future career development.
1-Unit Tecol Level-3 Awards
General units
- (1) Health and Safety in the Engineering Workplace
- (2) Communications for Engineering Technicians
- (3) Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
- (12) Engineering Drawing for Technicians
- (19) Selection and Using Programmable Controllers
Mechanical units
- (8) Mechanical Principles and Applications
- (9) Applications of Mechanical Systems in Engineering
- (16) Engineering Secondary and Finishing Techniques
- (70) Principles and Applications of Thermodynamics
- (66) Principles and Applications of Fluid Mechanics
Electrical units
- (28) Electrical Technology
- (29) Electrical Installation
- (31) Features and Applications of Electrical Machines
Automotive units
- (44) Vehicle Engine Principles, Operation, Service and Repair
- (48) Vehicle Electrical Charging and Starting Systems
- (54) Operation of Vehicle Chassis Systems
All ‘Tecol level-3 Award’ course material includes detailed assessments and 4 months per unit tutor support.
Payment Options
To get started and enrolled please select payment below:
Full Payment: | £195 single payment |
Our admin team (admin@tecol.co.uk) will send you an enrolment form, where you will indicate what single unit Award you wish to study
For BTEC Award, Certificate or Diploma courses please select the correct page on the menu above
Please can you describe the assessment process once you have completed a module or series of modules? Is there an assessment centre or is it conducted on-line etc?
During the study of a module (which usually has 4 sections), at least 2 assessments will issued to you to complete within a certain time period (usually 3-4 weeks).
These will be marked by tutor who will also provide feedback for any corrections required
Corrections are then normally resubmitted by you within 10 working days.
When the assessments are passes you can move on to the next module.
If modules are part of the approved Edexcel list, you can be also registered for a BTEC certificate in engineering
Hope this helps
Each Award should take about 3 months, but we will provide support for 4 months (we can extend this for special circumstances e.g. moving job/house etc)
Yes, for example Btec Certificate only requires 3 units, but you need to check our certificates to ensure you pick relevant units to gain Edexcel approval
We offer 12 months support for Certificates and 24 months for diplomas
Hope this helps
Can you confirm the number of credits for your Diploma in Engineering (Electrical/Mechanical) please. If you only do 6 units is this not just 60 credits which would make it a Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering. I need to know I am selecting enough credits for my university course.
Yes a 6 unit diploma offer 60 credits
We can provide more units such as a 90 credit diploma, if required
I am currently living and working in Slovenia.
My current employer has requested I obtain qualifications in Electro/Mechanical engineering.
Would I be able to study through Tecol, I am asking as, although I am British, I am not resident in the UK.
I am also unsure as to which units my employer would require me to study, therefore I would probably start with single units then build into a BTEC certificate or Diploma is this acceptable?
Best Regards
Yes, you can study level 3 outside the UK. You can start with 1 unit and step up to certificate and diploma when these suit you
How long till I receive my direct debit email? Can I call you to make the process a bit faster?
Our direct debit is sent direct to you from GoCardless within 2 working days. If not received double check any spam or junk email folders, and if not there then email admin@tecol.co.uk requesting a resend
Yes, you can upgrade to a BTEC level 3 certificate, just check out our certificate web pages
my name is Ilunga Monga Abraham 42years from Drc congo as a freelance technician in electronics and electrical with nice background in electrical and electronics engineering,Maths i could complet my technical high school i had no money to sit national exam what can i do to have tecol qualification i always dream to have uk qualification i have 22years experience
I think your best step would be to first sit your national exam, as it will probably less expensive than completing a certificate or diploma with us
Our prices are shown on our website
I currently have a BTEC Diploma in Engineering and a NVQ level 3 in Areonautical engineering. All of which achieved through the military. I am looking to add more electronic/electrical to my CV. Would it be better for me to enrol on an electrical diploma or do individual units/awards to suit my needs. I don’t want to waste time re learning things I’ve already done.
Given your current qualifications, it would make more sense to enrol on HNC in Electrical/Electronic engineering, but if you want just to gain some knowledge then individual level 3 units : Unit 4 – Electronics and Unit 18 – Electrical Machines are popular
I graduated and also did a master degree in business in my original country, and I am now living in the UK for many years. I always thought about going to university again to study engineering, but the time and hassle involved in attending the classes in person discouraged me. Doing the course online would offer an alternative, but then there is the important question: the diplomas your offer are the same as a graduation diploma from an university done in a conventional way? Thanks in advance for any clarifications you could provide. Paulo
I guess the best approach for you if changing to engineering would be BTEC 6-unit L3 dip with merit-> 8 unit L4 HNC -> 8 unit L5 HND -: final year of degree (L6)
For details of our level 3,4,5 courses see our website
My Name is ERNEST KOUASSI and i am living and working in Ivory Coast in oil and gas industry as electrician. i want to upgrade my education so i am interested in the BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) – 9 unit. Will it be possible for me as i am not uk resident?
Normally all our student are from the UK, however we occasionally accept oversee students.
Please contact admin@tecol.co.uk if you wish to enquire further
Are all your course online and no attendance to college or a classroom?
All our courses are online and no attendance is required
Hi! I would like to know is it possible for me who’s not a UK resident to do the course? I like to start the Btec level 3 with award first then to procced up with Certificate..please advice me on this and as well as i am 53 years old and is Tecol still conducting all the courses which has been mentioned in the web page. Looking forward to hear from you soon. TQ
Yes, normally students are UK residents, occasionally a non UK resident have enrolled. Are courses have been designed to provide an upgrade path from Awards through to certificates and diplomas.
All courses currently shown on our website are available
Hi! I would like to know is it possible for me who’s not a UK resident to do the course? I like to start the Btec level 3 with award first then to procced up with Certificate..please advice me on this and as well as i am 53 years old and is Tecol still conducting all the courses which has been mentioned in the web page. Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Would I need to purchase CAD software for the Engineering Drawing for Technicians unit or is it supplied with the course material?
How do I get in contact with you by phone to discuss my options further?
Contact information:
TECOL telephone number: 0800 228 9215
Email (general/course queries): admin@tecol.co.uk
Email (technical subject queries): engineering.team@tecol.co.uk
Address: 48 Straid Road, Ahoghill, BT42 2NT
Is successful completion of your three bridging courses enough to gain entry onto the HNC in general engineering?
Many thanks,
Our HNC bridging is for learners who currently have some level 3 (or higher) qualifications.
If you only have level 2 such as GCSEs youe will require at least a BTEC level 3 6 unit diploma at merit grade
I would also like to know if CAD software is supplied with the course material? Thanks
Yes QCAD or AutoCAD is available free with our courses
If I did a L4 HNC and then wanted to access civil engineering or chemical engineering would that be an option with doing a L4 or even L5 engineering course with TECOL
You would be able to do civil or chemical engineering after HNC/HND, but the University may require you to complete an additional year so that you cover their specialised modules. Always check with the University beforehand to see what their requirements are
Do I need to purchase BTEC registration for the 1 unit award?
No BTEC reg. fee is required for the 1 unit Award
Good afternoon. Is there any form of identification or documentation as to prove the legitimacy of this business. This may come across as rude or overly cautious, however there is quite a bit of money on the line; and this style of study programme fits my needs perfectly.
Accreditation number from Pearson (Edexcel) BTEC centre number: 04943
If you need further information please see our support page or ring us
If I am to complete my General Engineering (12 Unit) Diploma, would I then be able to add on 3 extra units in bulk to enhance my learning? I would not wish to upgrade to the 18 unit extended diploma but I think perhaps I would like to study an additional 3 units without having to purchase them individually.
Is HNC and HND available to non UK citizens outside of the UK?
Yes, but you will need a UK address as this is required by the examining body Pearson Edexcel
I have an nvq level 2 and would like to go for a btec level 3 how many modules do I need to do to ensure I have a full level 3 btech??
Liam, we would recommend at least 6 units at level 3, as this can give you future options like HNC
Depending on the employer ‘full btec’ can be 6, 9 or 12 units
Can I work through individual units then gain L3 certificate once I have completed enough units? And then carry on through the diploma a unit at a time? I’m just conscious I don’t want to pay for a full diploma and not get on with the online learning.
Yes, I suggest go for a 1 unit award, to see how you go and then upgrade afterwards
Hi there I am a qualified electrician I have 2360 Part 1&2 NVQ Level 3 City and Guilds 2356. I also have City and Guilds 2391 Testing and Inspection. I currently work as a Controls Engineer, I am interested in doing a HNC in Mechanical engineering HVAC what is the requirements for this course regards.
you can gain direct entry to HNC, but will be ruined to complete 2 level-3 Bridging units, to improve your maths and science knowledge. There are further details on the Web page
Hi Guys,
Just wondering how long on average it takes to complete your Level 3 Btec (12unit) in Electrical/Mechanical engineering? I understand it varies from person to person, naturally. But, if the hours are consistently put in, would it be possible to complete within 6-12 months?
A lot depends on the number of hours you can put in each week e.g. 5 hours/week – 36 months, 10 hours/week – 18 months
It would be difficult to complete within 12 months unless you can put in 15-20 hours per week
I would like to know more about the Assessment Process- Could I know what it’s like- Is it a Test, Maybe an Assignment or just a general coursework based?
Also- Do you do any other Units for IT? Maybe a diploma? Etc
Across all our courses we set 2 assessments per unit of study, these are generally of an investigative or analytical type that are completed in a specified number of weeks. There are no exams or general ongoing course work.
We currently offer 3 unit level-3 certificate in IT and depending on demand, would be happy to expand this to cover more units and courses.
Hello Guys,
Do you offer any More 1 Unit Awards? Other than the 19 you already do.
Such as Unit 36- Business Ops or Unit 7 Materials?
We have a number of units that may be added over the summer in addition to those listed
Realistically, if you had 25-30 hours to study per week, how quickly could you complete a L3 90 credit diploma in E&E Engineering?
The total number of learner hours is estimated to be: 9 units x 60 = 540 hrs; so in theory you could complete the course within 6 months
Hello, I am interested in trying to learn some sort of one unit award in the electronic/engineering field.
I only have GCSE education level (including 5 grades A-C at least)
I have been out of education since I left school at 16 and I am now 30.
I currently work at Amazon, but I am interested in getting qualifications in electrical engineering so I could hopefully join their team of engineers one day.
My question is, will trying to lean a one unit award be achievable having only GCSE level education? Or will the course just go completely over my head?
Will it teach basic understandings of the subject and move forward or is the course going to deal with complex concepts from the get go?
I just don’t want to pay for a course only to find out I’m really going to struggle to understand any of it. What do you suggest? Thank you.
With GCSEs you will be fine as BTEC is the next level up.
If you are eligible for an Amazon voucher, you simply email admin@tecol.co.uk with your voucher and course name, they will process it all for you
I have just come out of the military. I have a diploma is mechanical engineering & installation. However I would like to progress this and also get into Electrical engineering. Please can you give me a recommendation for this and why this would be the best option.
Thank you in advance.
IF your diploma is a BTEC level 3 (mechanical), and you also wish to get into electrical, then an HNC Level 4 in general (mechanical and electrical) engineering would be a great option for you, as it would develop both areas for you – see our website for details
Hi I can see HNC in digital technologies
Any idea on when HND level 5 in digital technologies will be available?
We have approval for HND level 5 in DT, but we want to run the HNC level 4 for a couple of years to get a measure of its success. If HNC is a success then its possible to run the HND in 2026/27
Hi, what are the core units you need to do in the single unit awards to build up to certificate or diploma in mechanical engineering ?
Maths, Communications and Health & Safety are the level 3 core units
How long does each unit take?
Approximately 2 months