On-line iGCSE English

Course Code: L2-GCSE02 (4EB0)
Enrolment Fee: £350.00 £325.00
Format: On-line
Award: International GCSE English (4EB0)
Accreditation: Edexcel
Study Time: 210 Hours
Support: Up to 18 months


Level 2: iGCSE – English 

iGCSE English is really useful as it is an essential requirement for many jobs nowadays and their entry requirements. Our course shows that you have a sound understanding of written information and the ability to make reports.

Aim and purpose

The Edexcel ‘International GCSE’ in English Language (Specification B) is based on the former O’Level in English Language and retains the requirement for a wide vocabulary and accuracy in the use of grammar, punctuation and spelling, whilst encouraging the student to acquire a range of skills through the study of lively and relevant source material.

Why study English Online?

Many people find using English at an appropriate level for work or higher education difficult. They have possibly struggled at school or haven’t had the chance to sit the exams for one reason or another but TECOL’s online course and tutors will guide you through the subject in small simple steps, building your understanding and confidence at a rate that suits you. Very quickly you will feel that you are on path to obtaining your GCSE qualification.

If you want to work through your course quickly then our tutors can support you at the speed that suits you – this is the real benefit of our GCSE English distance learning course. Even if a career in English isn’t your plan, confidence with reading and writing correctly is a real bonus is everyday life as well as at work or further education.

Payment Options

To get started and enrolled please select payment choice (all prices include BTEC registration fee):

Full Payment: £325 single payment

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Month Payment Plan: £100 deposit followed by 5 monthly payments of £50*

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* We will contact you with direct debit arrangements
** Full refund if you do not access the online learning material

Key subject aims

The Edexcel International GCSE in English Language (Specification B) enables students to:

  • read a range of material from a variety of sources, including literary material, non-literary material and media
  • read for a variety of purposes with understanding and enjoyment
  • use written English for a variety of purposes such as narration, argument, giving instruction and information, imaginative writing, making reports and demonstrating understanding of content, paying due attention to the appropriateness and quality of written expression.
  • provides progression to AS/A level in English Language
  • meets the ‘English’ entry requirements of UK universities and many employers

GCSE 1English Support

During a period of up to 18 months, you will have full unlimited teacher contact to assist you through email, telephone and Skype (if required).

Your course is divided into 3 sections, and you will be required to submit course assessments and practice papers. The practice exam papers are designed to test your knowledge of the material studied and also to allow your tutor to give you feedback on your learning and prepare you for the GCSE exams.

The examination papers are included with your course material on our Moodle learning platform. These practice papers are designed to give you further practice of the type of questions you will face in the actual examination. Your tutor will provide detailed guidance/feedback on these practice papers to help you achieve the best grade.

Although we prepare you for the Edexcel syllabus, our course content will also be extremely useful even if you are deciding to sit your iGCSE English exams with another awarding body.

iGCSE Examinations – Centres and fees

TECOL’s English course prepares students for the Edexcel IGCSE English syllabus B (4EB0/01). There is an opportunity sit your exam in the January and June examination series (3 hour paper).

You are required to complete only one examination for your iGCSE in English, but you are responsible for making your own exam arrangements. You will have to pay an examination fee as well as a centre fee which will vary depending on exam centre. Check with your chosen exam centre for specific details on iGCSE centres.

Find out which centres are available near you here through both the AQA and the Edexcel website links below. Note most centres will permit either Edexcel and AQA exam entries so look at both:



If you have any doubt then just speak to your tutor when you get started on the course and they shall advise and guide you fully.

Examination content summary

  • Reading
  • Reading and Writing
  • Writing

Overview of the exam paper

  • This qualification is assessed through one three-hour examination paper, set and marked by Edexcel.
  • There are three sections – A, B and C.  covering the above topics, with the total number of marks available being 100