On-line GCSE Mathematics

Course Code: L2-GCSE01 (1MA1)
Enrolment Fee: £350.00 £325.00
Format: On-line
Award: GCSE Mathematics (1MA1).
Accreditation: Edexcel
Study Time: 210 Hours
Support: Up to 18 months

Maths 1

 Level 2: GCSE – Mathematics 

GCSE Mathematics is really useful as it is an essential requirement for many jobs nowadays. Our course shows you have an understanding of numbers and the ability to work with them.

Aim and purpose: this unit aims to provide you with a solid foundation in mathematical skills.

Why choose our GCSE Maths Course:

Choose TECOL’s online GCSE Maths course if you wish to succeed in obtaining your GCSE Maths in 2017 or 2018. Our GCSE students have benefited with fantastic results for the past 2 years running and student numbers are growing year on year. If you want to succeed, then this course should be perfect for you (complete within 18 months).

Studying GCSE Maths from home with TECOL is lots different to learning in school as you can decide your own pace, set your own timetable, work at any time of the day or night and get as much tutor support as you wish via phone, email and Skype. It really is flexible learning with successful results. Pay in full or by monthly Direct Debit. We offer a full refund (no questions) within 14 days if you change your mind **

Your tutor will guide you and help you decide but ultimately you can then choose whether you want to study the Higher tier exam, or focus on the Foundation tier.

You’ll complete test papers at the end of each section which will contain exam-type questions. This allows your tutor to measure your progress and understanding, and grade your work approximately in line with the GCSE Maths grade bands. You will receive valuable feedback and comments from your tutor as you progress through the course allowing you to improve your grade as you progress. Towards the end of your course you will be given the opportunity to complete previous years’ practice papers so you can see exactly how you should do when the exam day comes. Exams are held in May/June each year.

This NEW Specification GCSE Maths course will fully prepare you for both the Edexcel GCSE Maths and AQA GCSE Maths exams. You can decide which one you wish to sit and our tutors will help advise you on this decision.

You will gain access to our professional learning resources, our expert qualified team of experienced tutors and our student community. The course is split into short sections to help you

Who will this course suit?

Anyone needing to fill gaps in their school education or preparing for college or university. This can be achieved without attending a traditional school/college. It’s the essential foundation you need if you’re thinking about studying Maths or maths-related subjects at A Level or university and is also a requirement for many jobs in the UK. No previous experience or qualifications are required.


Payment Options

To get started and enrolled please select payment choice (all prices include BTEC registration fee):

Full Payment: £325 single payment

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Month Payment Plan: £100 deposit followed by 5 monthly payments of £50*

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* We will contact you with direct debit arrangements
** Full refund if you do not access the online learning material


The importance of a Maths Qualification

Even if a career in maths isn’t your plan, confidence with numbers is a real bonus is everyday life as well as at work.

In this GCSE Mathematics course you will start with the basics, learning to solve numerical problems, make calculations and progress to algebraic equations, formulae, graphs and functions.

GCSE 1Maths Support

During a period of up to 18 months, you will have full unlimited teacher contact to assist you through email, telephone and Skype (if required).

You will be required to submit a number of ‘Test Papers’ to your course tutor throughout the study of this course. These Test Papers are designed to test your knowledge of the material studied and also to allow your tutor to give you feedback on your learning and prepare you for the GCSE exams.

There are also three mock examination papers included with your course at Higher and Foundation Tier. The mock papers are designed to give you practice of the type of questions you will face in the actual examination. Your teacher/tutor will provide detailed guidance/feedback to help you get the best grade that you can.

Although we prepare you for this syllabus our course content will also be extremely useful even if you are deciding to sit your GCSE Mathematics exams with another awarding body.

GCSE Examinations

TECOL’s GCSE Mathematics course prepares students for the: Edexcel Level 2 GCSE (9 – 1) in Mathematics (1MA1)

You are required to complete three examinations for your GCSE in Mathematics and are responsible for making your own exam arrangements. You will have to pay an examination fee as well as a centre fee which will vary depending on exam centre. Check with your chosen exam centre for specific details.

Find out which centres are available near you here through both the AQA and the Edexcel website links below. Note most centres will permit either Edexcel and AQA exam entries so look at both:



If you have any doubt then just speak to your tutor when you get started on the course and they shall advise and guide you fully.

Exam Papers

The qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine-grade scale from 9 to 1 using the total mark across all three papers where 9 is the highest grade.

  • Foundation tier: grades 1 to 5
  • Higher tier: grades 4 to 9 (grade 3 allowed)

Exams will only take place in May/June as indicated above, with a re-sit opportunity available in November

All three exam papers will be 90 minutes long and cover the following topics:

  1. Number
  2. 2. Algebra
  3. 3. Ratio, proportion and rates of change
  4. 4. Geometry and measures
  5. 5. Probability

Paper 1 is non-calculator based, while calculators are permitted for papers 2 and 3


13 Comments on “On-line GCSE Mathematics

  1. Hello!

    When is it necessary to register with the examination centre?

    Is it correct to assume that I will inform the centre which paper (foundation or higher) I wish to sit when registering, or will this done by you?

    • For the June exam is necessary to enrol in January at the latest.
      Check our gcse maths web page for details on how to find an exam centre near you.
      our course material is designed for higher tier, but yes you arrange which paper you wish to sit with the exam centre


  2. Simone

    Exam entries for summer 2016 are open until mid Feb
    You will be provided with 18 month tutor support, so help is available with parts like algebra

  3. Hi i am intrested in doing this course but i have a few questions:

    .what happens if i fail is their any refunds or chance to re-sit with no extra fee etc?

    .how much is the entry for the exam?

    .do you get your deposit back?

    .im 20 & live on my own can you get any funding etc depending on your circumstances?

    • Jade
      For GCSE maths we provide 18 months support, so can resit the exam several times within this period
      The entry fee is charged by your local exam centre; see our website maths page on how to find the centres closest to you
      Full refunds are available within the first 14 days from your order date, partial refunds may be available after that depending on circumstances
      For funding support please check with your local benefits office

  4. Iain

    The pdf files are perfectly suited to printing out, however we often include Web links in the pdf to support your studies such as YouTube videos.
    We don’t provide hard copy material directly, as we believe it is better and more environmentally friendly for the student to only print out whatever they need locally

  5. Hi,

    How quickly can I finish this course? I am looking to complete this by next year April etc.

    Is this possible?

    thank you

    • The speed of completion depends your previous experience and how many hours you want to commit per week
      Note registration is required by January 2019

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